Friday, July 16, 2010

In a Heartbeat ~Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy with Sally Jenkins

~~~Scroll down to find my novel We Started Out As Friends~~~

Many of you may be familiar with the movie, The Blind Side, in which Leigh Anne and Sean Tuouy take a homeless youth into their home and family. Through their love and support, Michael Oher ascends to greatness.

The book In a Heartbeat, tells the story of this amazing couple and their unique family. I recently saw the movie and ofcourse, I became curious about the people behind the movie, so I conducted my own research. One interview that touched me was one in which Leigh Anne Tuouy was asked about the enormous gift that they as a family had given to Michael by taking him into their home.

Leigh Anne replied that Michael had given them much more than they had given him and they were so happy to have him in their home from day one because it allowed them the opportunity to give everyday.

Pick up a copy of In a Heartbeat and learn more about this incredible family and their story.

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