Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell

The Story of Success...It's not what you think.

I am currently reading this book and I must say it is an interesting and inspiring read. Gladwell undertakes the study of success from a new angle. What is it that truly separates the over achievers and the mega successful from the rest of us? Is it brains? Brawn? Riches? The luck of the draw? Apparently these things are factors, but only to a certain point.

Gladwell states that the overwhelming number of successful people are so because of opportunities and environment, circumstances that the average person may not have had. As well he states that studies have shown that the rule of 10 000 applies.

It takes 10 000 hours to become an expert in any field, be it sports, music, fiction, whatever you choose. After a certain level of intelligence and ability, the only thing that separates the superstars from the average Joe's is time spent on their particular discipline. So inspiring! I am only on page 102, but will return with more insights later. Check it out.

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